horses from responsible and horse-appropriate rearing. We offer horses of different age classes and training levels, all of which have these things in common:
Find your perfect horse in our selected collection, directly from the breeder - and you will also benefit from our full-service!
You can't find the horse of your dreams in our collection? - We will find it for you!
We are happy to assist you in finding your perfect horse. Please fill in the following search form and we will submit you our offer.
You don't just buy a horse like a piece of cake - buying a horse usually is a time-consuming matter. So many different factors play a role, and need to be considered. And still risk remains - because if the horse and rider fit together in the long term can't always be predicted with certainty. For this reason, we support you with our comprehensive service package - also in the sense of our horses.
The quality of our horses and our service, demonstrated by happy new-horse owners.